LARUS SMITHSONIANUS X Marinus Status: Accidental in fall. Record: The single record is of one at Lake McConaughy, Keith Co 14 Nov 2022 (Mlodinow, It was the size of Great Black-backed but its incoming mantle color was paler than expected for that species (Mlodinow, Comments: The Keith Co record appears to be a first for […]
Herring Gull x Lesser Black-backed Gull
Larus SMITHSONIANUS x LARUS fuscus Status: Rare casual in winter Records: The only Nebraska record is of one at Lake McConaughy, Keith Co 27 Dec 2022 (Mlodinow, There are numerous records of this hybrid in eastern North America, with a few westward, including four along the Colorado Front Range Oct-Jan (, accessed Mar 2023). Comments: […]
Snow x Greater White-fronted Goose
Anser caerulescens x Anser albifrons Status: Rare casual spring migrant. Record: The only records are of singles in Dakota Co 19 Feb 2023 (B. F. Huser, and Sarpy Co 8 Feb 2024 (E. Winter, Comments: There are numerous records of this hybrid, most in the Mississippi and Missouri river valleys, with seven in […]
Large increase in number of wintering Trumpeter Swans in Nebraska 2013-2023
Trumpeter Swans appear to have become much more numerous during winter in Nebraska in recent years. Thus, there is a need to quantify this perceived increase to determine whether this is indeed the case. Furthermore, looking at the data will hopefully reveal the sources of the increased numbers of Trumpeter Swans. This post is an […]
Myrtle Warbler x Audubon’s Warbler (hybrid)
Setophaga coronata x SETOPHAGA Auduboni Status: Uncommon spring and fall migrant west and central, rare east. Rare casual winter visitor east. Taxonomy: The subspecies coronata and auduboni were at one time considered separate species, Myrtle and Audubon’s Warblers respectively, but since 1983 have been treated as conspecifics due to the presence of hybrid zones from […]
Yellow-throated Vireo x Blue-headed Vireo (hybrid)
Vireo flavifrons x VIREO solitarius Status: Accidental in fall. Record: A single bird identified as this hybrid was photographed at Ash Hollow State Historical Park, Garden Co, 6 Sep 2022 (Steven Mlodinow, Comments: This hybrid appears to be exceptionally rare (McCarthy 2006); eBird (, accessed Mar 2024) shows only two other records, from Oswego […]