Pheucticus ludovicianus x melanocephalus Status: Rare casual summer visitor statewide. Summer: There are 13 accepted records: 27-29 Apr 2020 male Gage Co (Hill, photographs, pers. comm.) 4-5 May 2021 Harlan Co (Jorgensen, Brenner; 15 May 2018 Dawes Co (Flack photograph, 18 May 1920 Clay Co (Swenk 1931a) 19 May 2012 Sherman Co (Freeborn, […]
Spotted x Eastern Towhee (hybrid)
Pipilo maculatus x erythrophthalmus Status: Uncommon summer resident statewide except extreme northwest and extreme southeast. Taxonomy: It has been assumed that hybridization and/or introgression occurs statewide, but the relative contributions of genetics and adaptation (controlled presumably by assortative mating) to the distributions of phenotypic Eastern and Spotted Towhees and putative intergrades is unknown. There have […]
Eastern x Mountain Bluebird (hybrid)
Sialia sialis x currucoides Status: Accidental in summer Record: Two broods were produced by a pair comprised of a male hybrid Eastern X Mountain Bluebird and a female Mountain Bluebird in Dawes Co in 1985 (Wilson 1985, 1986). Comments: Hybridization between Eastern and Mountain Bluebird has been found to occur on occasion; in the Nebraska […]
[Western Kingbird x Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (hybrid)]
Tyrannus verticalis x forficatus Status: No accepted records. Comments: Western Kingbird and Scissor-tailed Flycatcher are known to hybridize, generally where range expansion of either or both brings them into contact (Worm et al 2019). These authors found evidence for gene flow between these species, but although genetic analyses of their sample (N= 84) did not […]
Western x Eastern Wood-Pewee (hybrid)
Contopus sordidulus x C. virens Status: Rare regular breeder northcentral and south. Summer: Hybridization between Eastern and Western wood-pewees has been rarely documented due to minimal range overlap and extreme similarity of plumages and measurements (Rising and Schueler 1980). In Nebraska, the ranges of the two species overlap in the central/eastern Niobrara River Valley (Ducey […]
Downy x Hairy Woodpecker (hybrid)
Dryobates pubescens x villosus Status: Accidental in spring Record: The single record is of a female at Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co 6 and 21 Apr 2020 (Leukering, Mlodinow; Comments: The Nebraska record is of one at Riverside Park, Scotts Bluff Co 6 Apr 2020, later photographed 21 Apr. There are seven records of […]