Oenanthe oenanthe Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: Three subspecies are generally recognized, two of which breed in North America: oenanthe breeding in northwest North America and wintering in tropical Africa, and leocorhoa breeding in northeast North America and also wintering in tropical Africa (Dunn et al 2022). Comments: There are two published reports (Bray et […]
Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant west and west-central, rare east-central, rare casual east. Common regular breeder west and southwest, rare casual elsewhere. Rare casual winter visitor west central. Documentation: UNSM ZM6601, 12 Jun 1901 Warbonnet Canyon, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: As many as 11 subspecies are recognized although only two occur […]
Certhia americana americana; C. a. montana Status: Locally rare regular resident east and northwest, rare casual north-central. Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant and winter visitor statewide. Documentation: americana: specimen UNSM ZM6569, 25 Mar 1896 Lancaster Co; montanus: specimen UNSM ZM6570, 17 Feb 1896 Sioux Co. Taxonomy: There are 12-15 subspecies recognized, all but three […]
Regulus satrapa satrapa Status: Uncommon regular spring and fairly common fall migrant statewide. Uncommon regular winter visitor south, east central, and east, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: satrapa: UNSM ZM6718, 13 Apr 1901 Lincoln, Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: Six subspecies have been recognized, four north of Mexico (Swanson et al 2020): olivaceus, breeding from coastal southeast […]
Cinclus mexicanus unicolor Status: Rare casual fall visitor statewide. Accidental in spring west central. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 693 (pair), Jun 1903 Wauneta, Chase Co. Taxonomy: Four or five subspecies are generally recognized (Pyle 1997), one, unicolor, breeding throughout the North American range north of Mexico (Gill et al 2022). According to Kingery and Willson (2020), […]
Sitta pygmaea melanotis Status: Common regular resident west, fairly common Thomas Co. Rare regular local summer visitor Cherry Co. Common regular winter visitor northwest, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM11875, 16 Jun 1966 Monroe Canyon, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: There are six subspecies (Gill et al 2022), three in Mexico and two restricted to California; […]