Falco mexicanus Status: Fairly common regular winter visitor west and central, rare east. Uncommon regular breeder west, rare casual north. Rare casual summer visitor statewide. Documentation: UNSM ZM12533, 25 Feb 1896 Warbonnet Canyon, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Spring: winter <<<>>> May 9, 9, 11 (east and east central) […]
Falco columbarius columbarius, F. c. richardsonii Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant statewide. Rare casual breeder northwest (richardsonii). Uncommon regular winter visitor statewide (richardsonii), south (columbarius). Documentation: Specimens: UNSM ZM12536, 20 Oct 1906 Omaha, Douglas Co (richardsonii), UNSM ZM7702, 1 Oct 1940 Stapleton, Logan Co (columbarius). Taxonomy: Nine subspecies are recognized, six in Eurasia […]
Dryobates pubescens medianus, D. p. leucurus Status: Common regular resident east and central, fairly common west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12374, 25 Nov 1893 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: There have been several recent changes in generic assignment of woodpeckers. Genus Dryobates includes species previously assigned to genera Dendrocopos and Picoides, including Nuttall’s, Ladder-backed, and Downy Woodpeckers of North […]
Melanerpes erythrocephalus Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant east and central, fairly common west. Common regular breeder east and central, uncommon west. Uncommon regular winter visitor extreme southeast, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6290, 5 Jun 1981 Gage Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are currently recognized (Gill et al 2022). Although no subspecies are […]
Sphyrapicus thyroideus Status: Rare casual spring and fall visitor east and central. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM15986, 13 May 1988 Omaha, Douglas Co. Taxonomy: Gyug et al (2023) list two weakly differentiated subspecies, thyroideus of the Pacific Coast region and nataliae of the Rocky Mountains. Spring: There are five reports, three documented: 24 Mar 1939, male […]
Asio flammeus flammeus Status: Rare regular resident north and west. Uncommon regular winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7740, 4 Dec 1902 Kirkwood, Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: There are 11 subspecies currently recognized, only one, flammeus, occurring in North America, the other 10 subspecies are distributed worldwide except for Australia; several are island endemics (Gill et […]