Porzana carolina Status: Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant statewide. Fairly common, locally common, regular breeder statewide, rare south of Platte River Valleys. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6106, 17 Sep 1902 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Spring: Apr 4, 5, 5 <<<>>> summer Most arrive in mid- to late Apr and peak movement […]
Meleagris gallopavo subsp. Status: Common, locally abundant, regular resident statewide. Documentation: Specimen: WSC 550, Holt Co 25 Oct 1980. Taxonomy: Six subspecies are currently recognized (Gill et al 2022), two in Mexico and four in North America: silvestris Eastern Turkey, osceola Florida Turkey, intermedia Rio Grande Turkey of the central plains from Kansas south, and […]
Tympanuchus phasianellus jamesi Status: Locally common regular resident north and west, rare casual elsewhere. Uncommon casual winter visitor south and east of breeding range. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12561, 23 Feb 1896 Harrison, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: Six subspecies plus extinct hueyi are recognized (Gill et al 2022); Connelly et al (2020) divided these into northern and […]
Tympanuchus pallidicinctus Status: Hypothetical. Status unresolved. The tangible history of this species in Nebraska is based on specimens from near Danbury in extreme southern Red Willow Co shot by hunters and provided to HMM by an H. Frates (Swenk MS, in Sharpe 1968). Sharpe (1968) examined some of the specimens and concluded they were undoubtedly […]
Calypte costae Status: Rare casual fall visitor. Documentation: Photograph: 11-15 Nov 2001 Lexington, Dawson Co (Jorgensen 2003). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Fall: There are three records: ca 7 Oct-15 Nov 2001, immature male photographed Lexington (Jorgensen 2003) 5 Sep-23 Oct 2013, immature male photographed Lake McConaughy, Keith Co (Brogie 2014) 16 Sep-second week Oct […]
Phasianus colchicus Status: Introduced. Fairly common, locally common, regular resident statewide. Documentation: Specimen: WSC 394, 17 Feb 1978 Boone Co. Taxonomy: North American birds are mostly from Asian populations, although derivatives of European birds have also been mixed into many North American releases, including those in Nebraska (AOU 1998, Vazquez-Miranda et al 2020). Some authors […]