Poecile gambeli gambeli Status: Rare regular winter visitor west, rare casual central. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM17444, 23 Nov 1996 Wildcat Hills NC, Scotts Bluff Co (Brogie 1997). Taxonomy: Four subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022): atratus of northwest Mexico, gambeli of the eastern Rocky Mountains, inyoensis of the central Rocky Mountains, and baileyae of […]
Corvus brachyrhynchos brachyrhynchos, C. b. hesperis Status: Common regular resident statewide. Abundant regular spring and fall migrant statewide. Abundant regular winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7635, 18 May 1907 Cass Co. Taxonomy: Four subspecies have been traditionally recognized (Gill et al 2022): hesperis from northern British Columbia to southern Saskatchewan south to southern California […]
Troglodytes pacificus Status: Rare casual fall visitor west. Taxonomy: This species was split (Chesser et al 2010) from Winter Wren (T. hiemalis) based on Drovetski et al (2004) and Toews and Irwin (2008). Gill et al (2022) list 14 subspecies, 10 of which occur only in Alaska; the remaining four (Toews and Irwin 2020) are […]
Baeolophus atricristatus Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: This species and Tufted Titmouse (B. bicolor) were recently split as full species; they differ genetically although there is a stable and narrow hybrid zone in east-central Texas (Banks et al 2002). Three subspecies are recognized from central Texas south to northern Mexico (Gill et al 2022). Comments: Details […]
Psaltriparus minimus Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: There are nine subspecies, four south of the USA, and five breeding in the USA (Pyle 1997). Four subspecies breeding from British Columbia to southern California comprise the Brown-crowned Group, and there are two monotypic groups: Gray-crowned or Interior, consisting of plumbeus, which is resident from east-central Oregon […]
Thryomanes bewickii Status: Extirpated breeder southeast. Rare casual spring, summer, and fall visitor statewide. Documentation: Photograph: 3 Apr 1993 Wild Rose Ranch, Hall Co (B.J. Rose fide Padelford and Padelford 1993). Taxonomy: Kennedy and White (2020) revised the ranges of the 15 subspecies (two are extinct), including these four that might occur or have occurred […]