Vireo flavoviridis Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: Five subspecies are recognized, three in Mexico and Central America, and two reaching the USA: hypoleucus, a vagrant to California and Arizona, and flavoviridis, breeding in south Texas, and a vagrant to west Texas and Florida (Pyle 1997, Gill et al 2022). Comments: A bird identified as a […]
Empidonax oberholseri Status: Rare regular spring migrant west, rare casual west central. Uncommon regular fall migrant west and central. Documentation: Photographs, measurements: 31 Aug 2000 Oliver Reservoir, Kimball Co (Dinsmore 2000; Dinsmore and Silcock 2001). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Gill et al (2022) suggest the name “American Dusky Flycatcher” to […]
Empidonax difficilis Status: Uncommon regular spring migrant west. Rare regular fall migrant west. Uncommon regular breeder northwest. Documentation: Recording: 9 Jul 1991 Sowbelly Canyon, Sioux Co (Grenon 1991). Taxonomy: There are five subspecies recognized (Lowther et al 2023): difficilis of the western U.S. and Canada, insulicola of the Channel Islands, cineritius of Baja California, hellmayri […]
Perisoreus canadensis albescens Status: Accidental in winter. Documentation: Description: 2-26 Feb 1930 Antioch, Sheridan Co (Swenk 1930). Taxonomy: The English name Gray Jay was changed back to the former name Canada Jay by Chesser et al (2018). Until recently the most current attempt to clarify the controversial and complex subspecies taxonomy of this species was […]
Myiarchus crinitus Status: Common regular spring migrant east and east central, fairly common west central, and uncommon west. Common breeder east, east central, and south, uncommon west central and Pine Ridge, rare west away from Pine Ridge. Common regular fall migrant east and central, rare west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6363, 19 Jul 1901 Beatrice, Gage […]
Sayornis phoebe Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant east and central, uncommon west. Fairly common regular breeder east and east-central, uncommon west-central and Pine Ridge, rare elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6367, 21 Mar 1903 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Eastern Phoebe occasionally hybridizes with Black Phoebe; there are […]