Pyrocephalus OBSCURUS Status: Rare casual spring and fall visitor central and east. Documentation: Photograph: 16 May 1995 Lancaster Co (Brogie 1996). Taxonomy: Twelve subspecies have generally been recognized (Carmi et al 2016), but recent genetic studies indicated separate species status for each of the two Galapagos Islands subspecies, apparently extinct San Cristobal Flycatcher (P. dubius) […]
Empidonax virescens Status: Locally uncommon regular spring migrant southeast, rare casual elsewhere. Locally uncommon regular breeder southeast, accidental northeast. Rare casual fall migrant east, accidental central. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM10562, 30 May 1910 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Changes Since 2000: This species has consolidated its range northward in […]
Empidonax hammondii Status: Rare casual spring migrant west, accidental east. Uncommon regular fall migrant west and west-central, rare casual east-central. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM10557, 17 Sep 1911 Dawes Co (Zimmer 1945, Rosche 1982). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Spring: There are 10 records, including a single eastern record, a specimen UNSM […]
Sayornis saya saya Status: Common regular spring migrant west, fairly common central, uncommon northeast, rare southeast. Fairly common regular breeder west and southern west central, uncommon southern east central, rare casual east. Common regular fall migrant west, uncommon central, rare casual east. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6369, 20 May 1900 Sioux Co. Taxonomy: Four subspecies were […]
Tyrannus vociferans vociferans Status: Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant west, rare casual central. Fairly common regular breeder west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM 6360, 19 Sep 1919 Glen, Sioux Co. This specimen was stated by the collectors to have been taken 9 Sep (Mickel and Dawson 1920). Taxonomy: Recently, Chesser et al (2018) rearranged the […]
Colaptes auratus auratus, C. A. LUTEUS, C. a. cANESCENS Status: “yellow-shafted flicker”: Common spring and fall migrant east and central, uncommon west. Common breeder east and central, uncommon west (Pine Ridge, North and South Platte river valleys). Fairly common winter visitor east and central, uncommon west. “red-shafted flicker”: Common winter visitor (altitudinal movement from Rocky Mountains) […]