Melanerpes formicivorus Status: Rare casual summer visitor. Documentation: Photograph: 19 May 1996 Chambers, Holt Co (Brogie 1997). Taxonomy: Seven subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022), five from Mexico through South America, and two in North America north of Mexico: bairdi of Oregon south to northern Baja California and formicivorus of southwestern US to southeast […]
Athene cunicularia hypugea Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant and breeder west and west central, uncommon and local east central, rare casual east. Rare casual winter visitor central and west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM11338, 24 Mar 1895 Beatrice, Gage Co. Taxonomy: There are 15-18 subspecies recognized (Poulin et al 2020, Gill et al 2022), […]
Bubo scandiacus Status: Rare, occasionally common, regular winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM 7729, 6 Mar 1918 Harvard, Clay Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are currently recognized (Gill et al 2022). The merging of Nyctea into Bubo was discussed by Banks et al (2003); some authors retain the monotypic genus Nyctea for this species (Weick 2006, […]
Bubo virginianus virginianus, B. v. subarcticus, B. v. lagophonus, B. v. pallescens Status: Common regular resident statewide. Rare regular winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Specimen: virginianus, UNSM ZM12752, 4 Nov 1902 Lancaster Co; subarcticus, UNSM ZM-16270 12 Mar 1990 Cuming Co. Taxonomy: Variously 12-15 subspecies are recognized, 4-5 of these from Mexico south through South America […]
Megascops asio maxwelliae Status: Common regular resident east and central, uncommon west. Documentation: Specimen, UNSM 12746, Beatrice, 22 Mar 1894. Taxonomy: The use of Megascops instead of Otus for New World species of Otus (except for O. flammeolus, Flammulated Owl, now placed in genus Psiloscops) was discussed by Banks et al (2003). The taxonomy of […]
Surnia ulula caparoch Status: Accidental in winter. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 1231, Sheridan Co, 8 Dec 1912. Taxonomy: Three subspecies are recognized, two in Eurasia and one, caparoch, in North America (Pyle 1997). Record: There is one record. 8 Dec 1912, Sheridan Co (cited above). The single documented record, the specimen cited above, is a male […]