Bartramia longicauda Status: Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant and breeder statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM11419, 18 Jun 1931 Atkinson, Holt Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Spring: Apr 10, 11, 13 <<<>>> summer Migrants usually arrive during the latter half of Apr, with peak migration occurring in early and […]
Numenius HUDSONICUS rufiventris Status: Rare regular spring migrant central and west, rare casual east. Rare casual fall migrant statewide. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 2498, 12 Oct 1901 Hall Co. Taxonomy: Recent genetic studies show Nearctic whimbrels as a deep monophyletic clade (Sangster et al 2011, Tan et al 2019); these Nearctic birds are now considered a […]
Numenius borealis Status: Extinct. Formerly abundant regular spring migrant central. Formerly rare regular fall migrant central. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 2469, Apr 1880 Hamilton Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Records: Eskimo Curlew is probably extinct; there are no accepted records for North America since 1962 (O’Brien et al 2006), although Gill et al (2020) listed […]
Charadrius melodus circumcinctus Status: Locally fairly common breeder central and east, rare casual west. Uncommon spring and fall migrant away from breeding sites. State and federally listed as Threatened. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6102, 17 Jun 1902 Keya Paha Co. Taxonomy: Miller et al (2009) showed that Atlantic Coast birds (melodus) were genetically distinct from a […]
ANARHYNCHUS montanus Status: Fairly common regular breeder southwestern Panhandle. Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant southwestern Panhandle, rare casual elsewhere. State listed as Threatened. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 3053, 7 Apr 1917 Whitman, Grant Co. Taxonomy: Genetic studies resulted in a transfer of this species from genus Charadrius to genus Anarhynchus (Chesser et al 2024). […]
Recurvirostra americana Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant west and central, fairly common east. Uncommon, locally common, regular breeder west and north-central, rare casual elsewhere. Rare casual summer visitor away from breeding locations. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6614, 17 Jun 1902 Clear Lake, Cherry Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Spring: Mar 29, 31, 31 […]