Haematopus palliatus Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized, one, galapagensis, restricted to the Galapagos Islands and the other, palliatus, found on coasts throughout the Americas (Gill and Donsker 2017). Comments: This species was listed by Bruner (1896) based on a specimen reportedly taken in northeastern Nebraska in spring 1889 by Charles Vaughn. […]
Grus americana Status: Locally rare regular spring and fall migrant central, rare casual elsewhere. Rare casual summer visitor central and west. State and federally listed as Endangered. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 3823 (two birds), spring 1899 Grand Island, Hall Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Changes Since 2000: The wild flock that includes individuals that migrate […]
Antigone canadensis canadensis, A. c. tabida Status: Abundant regular spring and fall migrant central, common west, uncommon east. Rare regular breeder locally statewide. Rare casual summer visitor statewide. Rare casual winter visitor central Platte River Valley, accidental east. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7836, 19 Mar 1959 Overton, Dawson Co. Taxonomy: This species was moved recently from […]
Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus Status: Locally common regular resident central and east, rare west. Uncommon casual winter visitor east of breeding range. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM10301, 25 Nov 1912 Comstock, Custer Co. Taxonomy: Three subspecies are recognized (Pyle 2008, Johnson et al 2020): cupido, the extinct Heath Hen, attwateri, surviving in coastal Texas only with extensive […]
Perdix perdix Status: Introduced. Variably uncommon to rare regular resident northeast and north-central, rare Sioux and Scotts Bluff Cos. Documentation: Specimen: WSC 683, Nov or Dec 1978 or 1979 Wayne Co. Taxonomy: In its native Western Palearctic, there are at least seven subspecies (Madge and McGowan 2002); North American introductions were of several subspecies and […]
Grus grus Status: Rare casual spring migrant central and western Platte River Valley. Documentation: Photograph: 31 Mar-1 Apr 1972 Elm Creek, Phelps Co (Tremaine et al 1972). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Spring: The first Nebraska record was of one seen several times 25-31 Mar 1972 between Hershey and North Platte in Lincoln Co; it is […]