Columbina passerina Status: Rare casual fall visitor statewide. Documentation: Description: 18 Nov 1979 Washington Co (Padelford and Padelford 1980). Taxonomy: Eighteen subspecies are recognized, 16 from the West Indies and Mexico south through Ecuador and Brazil, and two north of Mexico (Clements et al 2016, Bowman 2020): passerina occurs in the coastal southeast US (South […]
Columbina inca Status: Rare casual winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Photograph: 28 Oct 1987-7 Mar 1988 Kearney, Buffalo Co (Paine 1988). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Pyle 1997). Winter: Inca Dove has been reported eight times, all documented (see Comments). All but one of the records are of birds which arrive in fall and attempt to […]
Ectopistes migratorius Status: Extinct. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 2914, 1880s near Cook, Johnson Co (Brooking 1942). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (AOU 1957). Records: The Nebraska specimen cited above is on display at the Hastings Municipal Museum. The specimen was recovered “from an old case of birds found in a barn in Johnson County, Nebraska. It […]
Streptopelia decaocto Status: Common, locally abundant, regular resident statewide. Documentation: Specimens: ZM-18428 (female) and 18429 (male), 29 Nov 2005 “found dead one day after blizzard” in Bassett, Rock Co. Taxonomy: There have been two subspecies recognized in the native range of this species: decaocto from Europe to western China and Korea, and xanthocyla in Burma […]
Streptopelia “risoria” Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: The specific epithet risoria is not considered valid; according to AOU (1998), this “widely domesticated and locally introduced form is now deemed to be derived from the African S. roseogrisea [African Collared-Dove] rather than S. decaocto [Eurasian Collared-Dove]” (DeBenedictis 1994, Romagosa and McEneaney 1999). Recently the ABA Checklist […]
Streptopelia roseogrisea Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: There are two subspecies recognized in the native African range, roseogrisea and arabica (Clements et al 2016). This species is presumed to be the wild ancestor of Ringed Turtle-Dove (see that species) and resembles it closely (see Comments). Comments: This species was formerly considered established in the United […]