Artemisiospiza nevadensis Status: Accidental in fall. Documentation: Description: 6 Aug 1989 Sowbelly Canyon, Sioux Co (Stage and Stage 1990). Taxonomy: Former Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli) consisted of two subspecies groups, coastal belli with subspecies belli and clementeae, and interior nevadensis with subspecies canescens, campicola, and nevadensis (Pyle 1997). However genetic studies by Cicero & Johnson […]
Amphispiza bilineata bilineata Status: Rare casual summer visitor. Rare casual winter visitor east. Documentation: Photograph: 17 Dec 1973 Omaha, Douglas Co (Meier 1974; Williams 1974). Taxonomy: There are nine subspecies recognized, six in Mexico, and three in the US (Gill et al 2022): deserticola, breeding and wintering from California to southwest Wyoming and southwest New […]
Plectrophenax nivalis nivalis Status: Uncommon regular winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7618, 17 Nov 1897 Lincoln, Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: Four subspecies are recognized, two in Eurasia and these two in North America (Gill et al 2022): townsendi, resident on western Alaska islands, and nivalis, breeding and wintering throughout the remainder of the North American […]
Rhynchophanes mccownii Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant west, rare casual elsewhere. Locally common regular breeder western Panhandle. State listed as Threatened. Documentation: UNSM ZM7565, 20 Jun 1901 Indian Creek, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: Chesser et al (2010) transferred this species from the genus Calcarius to monotypic Rhynchophanes. The English name of this species was […]
Haemorhous purpureus purpureus Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant and winter visitor east and central, rare west. Documentation: UNSM ZM7120, 1891 Lincoln, Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022): purpureus, breeding in south-central and southeast Canada and the northeast USA, wintering to southeast USA, and californicus, breeding in southwest Canada […]
Acanthis flammea Status: Uncommon regular winter visitor north, east, and west, rare south. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7139, 11 Dec 1895 Crawford, Dawes Co. Taxonomy: Taxonomy is complex, and various authorities present differing views (Pyle 1997, Chesser et al 2009, Mason and Taylor 2015, Clements et al 2016, Knox and Lowther 2020, Funk et al 2021). […]