Leocosticte tephrocotis tephrocotis, L. t. littoralis Status: Rare regular winter visitor west. Documentation: Specimen: tephrocotis, UNSM ZM7133, 15 Feb 1896 Harrison, Sioux Co. Photograph and description: littoralis, 30 Dec 2020 Toadstool Road, Sioux Co (Mlodinow, eBird.org). Taxonomy: There are six subspecies, in two groups (Macdougall-Shackleton et al 2020): Gray-cheeked Group (“Hepburn’s Rosy-Finch”) consists of griseonucha […]
Acanthis hornemanni Status: Rare casual winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Photograph: 5 Feb 1982 Ames, Dodge Co (Bray et al 1986). Taxonomy: Gill et al (2022) refer to this species as Arctic Redpoll. A recent proposal to AOU to lump the redpolls, including Common and Hoary Redpolls has not yet been voted upon (AOU 2016), but […]
Myadestes townsendi townsendi Status: Rare casual breeder northwest. Common regular winter resident and spring and fall migrant west, uncommon central, rare east. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6699, 19 Feb 1896 Harrison, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022), one in Mexico; the other, townsendi, breeds and winters throughout the North America range. […]
Corthylio calendula calendula Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant east and central, uncommon west. Rare regular winter visitor south and southeast, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6713, 13 Apr 1901 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: New World Ruby-crowned Kinglet as genus Corthylio was split from unchanged Old World genus Regulus, which retains Golden-crowned Kinglet, based […]
Catharus minimus aliciae Status: Uncommon regular spring migrant east, rare east-central, rare casual west-central and west. Rare casual fall migrant statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM11018, 11 May 1910 South Bend, Cass Co. Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022): aliciae, breeding from Alaska to northern Alberta and Labrador, and minimus, breeding in Newfoundland […]
Catharus fuscescens fuscescens, C. f. levyi, C. f. salicicolus Status: Uncommon regular spring migrant east and west, rare casual central. Rare regular fall migrant east and west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM11022 (fuscescens? levyi?), 25 May 1909 Lincoln, Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: Six subspecies have been recognized (Pyle 1997) based on a revision by Phillips (1991); more […]