Cardinalis cardinalis cardinalis Status: Common regular resident south and east, uncommon north, locally rare west. Rare regular spring, fall, and winter visitor outside breeding range.Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7063, Dec 1884 Unadilla, Otoe Co. An earlier specimen, Nebraska’s first record for the species, is USNM 4854, Richardson Co 23 Apr 1856. Taxonomy: The number of recognized […]
Piranga olivacea Status: Uncommon regular spring migrant east, rare east-central, rare casual west-central and west. Uncommon regular breeder east, rare north. Uncommon regular fall migrant east and east-central, rare casual west-central and west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM11098, 20 Jun 1907 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Short (1961) and Ford […]
Cardellina pusilla pusilla, C. p. pileolata Status: Fairly common regular spring migrant east and west, uncommon central. Common fall migrant west, uncommon east and central. Accidental in summer. Spring: Fall: Documentation: Specimens: pusilla, UNSM ZM10790, 4 Sep 1909 Roca, Lancaster Co; pileolata, UNSM ZM6916, 13 Sep 1919, Monroe Canyon, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: There are three […]
Setophaga striata Status: Fairly common regular spring migrant east and central, uncommon west. Rare casual fall migrant statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6873, 15 May 1901 Beatrice, Gage Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). Spring: 30 Apr, May 1, 2 <<<>>> May 30, 30, 31 Earlier dates are 20 Apr 2018 Cass […]
Setophaga petechia aestiva, S. p. amnicola/parkesi Status: Common regular breeder and spring and fall migrant statewide. Documentation: Specimens: aestiva, UNSM ZM11952, 21 May 1895 Lancaster Co; parkesi/amnicola, UNSM ZM6823, 15 May 1901, Child’s Point, Sarpy Co. Taxonomy: This species is generally agreed to be comprised of some 34-37 subspecies depending on authority, consisting of four […]
Piranga rubra rubra Status: Fairly common regular spring migrant southeast, rare northeast, rare casual elsewhere. Locally fairly common regular breeder southeast. Rare casual summer visitor statewide away from southeast. Uncommon regular fall migrant east, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 1858, 10 May 1917 Fairbury, Jefferson Co. Taxonomy: Three subspecies are generally recognized (Pyle 1997, […]