Dendrocygna bicolor Status: Rare casual summer visitor. Taxonomy: No subspecies are currently recognized (Hohman and Lee 2020). Records: 5-24 Jun 2018 Wagon Train Lake SRA, Lancaster Co (Haugen; Brogie 2019) 28 Oct 2020 Clear Creek WMA, Keith Co (Brogie 2021). A group of four was first discovered at Wagon Train Lake SRA, Lancaster Co by […]
Cistothorus stellaris Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant east and east-central, rare casual west-central and Panhandle. Rare regular breeder east and east-central (May-Jun; “early peak”). Uncommon regular breeder east and east-central (Jul-Aug; “late peak”). Accidental in winter. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6605, 28 Aug 1902 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: The North American taxon stellaris differs from all […]
Catherpes mexicanus conspersus Status: Rare casual winter visitor west and north. Accidental in spring. Documentation: Photograph: 14 May-9 Jun 1992 Knox Co (Brogie 1992). Taxonomy: As many as 10 subspecies have been supported by various authors (Jones et al 2023), most weakly differentiated (Pyle 1997), leading Jones et al (2023) to recognize only three subspecies, […]
Poecile atricapillus septentrionalis Status: Fairly common regular resident statewide. Fairly common winter visitor statewide, common Missouri River Valley counties. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6484, Nov 1893 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: The genus Poecile, previously a sub-genus within Parus, was raised to generic status by Banks et al (1997) based on genetic studies by Gill et al (2005) […]
Eremophila alpestris enthymia, E. a. praticola, E. a. leucolaema, E. a. hoyti, E. a. alpestris Status: Abundant regular spring and fall migrant and winter visitor statewide. Common regular resident statewide. Documentation: Specimens: praticola, UNSM ZM6423 4 Feb 1894 Omaha, Douglas Co; leucolaema, UNSM ZM10207 12 Nov 1897 Alliance, Box Butte Co; alpestris, UNSM ZM64 16 […]
Poecile hudsonicus Status: No accepted records. Taxonomy: Some authors recognize up to five subspecies (Pyle 1997, Gill et al 2022), but Phillips (1986) maintained that there was insufficient fresh material to support this, a position supported by Ficken et al (2020) and followed here. Comments: There is one record, of one seen 16 Dec 1972-21 […]