Aquila chrysaetos canadensis Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant west and central. Uncommon regular resident west. Uncommon regular winter visitor west, central, and northeast, rare southeast. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12988, 8 Nov 1912 Comstock, Custer Co. Taxonomy: There are six subspecies recognized, five in Eurasia and one, canadensis, in North America and far northeast […]
Buteo regalis Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant west and central, rare casual east. Uncommon regular breeder west, rare west central. Uncommon regular winter visitor central and west, rare casual east. Breeding and migration Winter Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7687, Stapleton, Logan Co 24 Jan 1935. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al 2022). […]
Aegolius funereus richardsoni Status: Accidental in fall. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 2710, 5 Oct 1916 Inland, Clay Co. Taxonomy: Of seven recognized subspecies, all but one occur in Eurasia; the lone North American subspecies is richardsoni (Gill et al 2022). The Nebraska record is presumed richardsoni. Record: There is one record. 5 Oct 1916 Inland, Clay […]
Buteo lagopus sanctijohannis Status: Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant and winter visitor statewide. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM7688, 19 Nov 1920 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: There are four subspecies generally recognized, lagopus in northern Eurasia, menzbieri of northeast Asia, kamtschatkensis of the Kamchatka Peninsula, and sanctijohannis of North America (Gill et al 2022). Nebraska birds […]
Tyto FURCATA PRATINCOLA Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant west and central, rare east. Uncommon regular breeder west and southwest, rare elsewhere. Rare casual winter visitor south and east. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM 7719, 30 Apr 1903 Elm Creek, Buffalo Co. Taxonomy: Worldwide taxonomy is in flux; at least 29 subspecies have been recognized by […]
Strix nebulosa Status: Rare casual winter visitor. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 2537, collected winter 1912 Columbus, Platte Co Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized, one each in Eurasia and North America; nebulosa occurs in North America (Gill et al 2022). Record: There are two records. winter 1912, Columbus, Platte Co (cited above) 1 Jan 1978 Dixon, Dixon […]