Status: Accidental in spring. Documentation: Photograph: 25 Mar 2011 Hall Co (Brogie 2013). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Record: In 2011 an obliging Hooded Crane chose to forage in fields next to Interstate Highway 80 in Hall Co with Sandhill Cranes for 17 days, allowing many observers to see this unexpected visitor. It was found […]
Coccyzus americanus Status: Fairly common regular breeder and spring and fall migrant east and central, uncommon west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM 6233, 27 May 1892 Jamaica, Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: Two weakly-differentiated subspecies have been recognized (Pyle 1997), but currently this species is considered monotypic (Clements et al 2016, Gill and Donsker 2017). The previously-recognized eastern subspecies […]
Coccyzus erythropthalmus Status: Rare regular breeder and spring and fall migrant east and central, rare casual west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM 6243, 6 Jul 1901 Warbonnet Canyon, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies recognized (Gill and Donsker 2017). Spring: May 10, 11, 11 <<<>>> summer Migrants appear in mid- to late May. Half of the spring arrival […]
Selasphorus platycercus Status: Uncommon regular fall migrant west and west-central, rare casual east-central and east. Rare regular spring migrant and summer visitor west. Documentation: Photograph: 22-30 Aug 1987 Hastings, Adams Co (Grenon 1990). Taxonomy: Some authors (AOU 1957, Pyle 1997) have recognized two weakly-differentiated subspecies, platycercus in North America north of Mexico, and guatemalae of […]
Chordeiles minor minor, C. m. sennetti Status: Common regular spring migrant statewide. Common regular breeder statewide. Abundant regular fall migrant statewide. Documentation: Specimen: minor, UNSM ZM 10632 Child’s Point, Sarpy Co 22 May 1911; sennetti, UNSM ZM6253 Indian Creek, Sioux Co 5 Jul 1901. Taxonomy: Nine subspecies are recognized, seven in North America and two […]
Fulica americana americana Status: Abundant regular spring and fall migrant statewide. Common, locally abundant, regular breeder northcentral, fairly common elsewhere. Uncommon regular local winter visitor North Platte River Valley, lower Platte River Valley from Platte Co eastward including Lancaster Co and adjacent Missouri River Valley, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12607, 4 Aug 1911 […]