Rallus limicola limicola Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant east and west, common central. Uncommon, locally common, regular breeder north and west, rare south and east. Uncommon local regular winter visitor west and central, rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6100, 14 Jun 1902 Marsh Lake, Cherry Co. Taxonomy: Traditionally four subspecies, but two […]
Archilochus colubris Status: Fairly common regular spring migrant east, uncommon east central, rare west central, rare casual west. Uncommon regular breeder east, rare casual central. Common regular fall migrant east, uncommon east central, rare west central and west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM10638, 25 May 1913 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Gill et al […]
Archilochus alexandri Status: Rare regular summer visitor west; rare casual elsewhere. Documentation: Photograph: 7-8 May 2012 Scottsbluff, Scotts Bluff Co (DeLara and Smith 2013). See Comments. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Hybridization with Ruby-throated Hummingbird was studied in Oklahoma, where ranges of the two species overlap (Judd et al 2011). The following is an excerpt: […]
Calypte anna Status: Rare casual spring, summer, and fall visitor statewide. Documentation: Photograph: 19 Nov 2016 Omaha, Douglas Co (Brogie 2017). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Records: There are eight records: 28 May 2020 adult female Dawes Co (Whittecar, photos; Brogie 2023) 21 Jun 2019 immature male Scotts Bluff Co (Smith, photos; Brogie 2020) 13 […]
Selasphorus calliope Status: Rare casual spring migrant west. Uncommon regular fall migrant west, rare casual central and east. Documentation: Specimen: display mount at Wildcat Hills Nature Center, Scotts Bluff Co, 23 Jun 1994 Sioux Co (Gubanyi 1996; Silcock and Rosche 1994). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Calliope Hummingbird was formerly included in genus Stellula, which […]
Selasphorus rufus Status: Uncommon regular fall migrant west and central, rare regular east. Accidental in spring. Documentation: Specimen: UNO B218, late Aug 1971 Scotts Bluff Co (Bray et al 1986). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. See Comments below regarding Allen’s Hummingbird (S. sasin), as yet unrecorded in Nebraska. Spring: The only documented record is of […]