Laterallus jamaicensis Status: Rare casual spring and summer visitor statewide. Federally listed as Threatened. Documentation: Recording: 25 May 1986 Knox Co (Brogie and Brogie 1987, Brogie 1999). Taxonomy: Five subspecies are recognized, three in South America, and two in North America: coterniculus of California and Baja, Mexico, and jamaicensis of the eastern United States and […]
Geococcyx californianus Status: No accepted records. Comments: There are three suggestive reports without adequate documentation. A single bird identified as this species ran across the road in front of a car driven by observers familiar with the species one mile northwest of Funk, Phelps Co 29 Mar 2004. The report was not accepted by NOURC due […]
Crotophaga sulcirostris sulcirostris Status: Rare casual fall visitor central and east. Documentation: Photograph: 15 Oct-1 Nov 1975 Hall Co (Stoppkotte 1975). Taxonomy: Two subspecies are sometimes recognized although Clements et al (2016) and Gill and Donsker 2017) consider the species monotypic. The subspecies pallidula is only a vagrant to the southwest USA, but subspecies sulcirostris, […]
Podiceps grisegena holbollii Status: Rare casual spring migrant statewide. Rare regular fall migrant statewide. Rare casual summer visitor statewide. Accidental in winter. Documentation: Photograph: 24 Nov 1995 Lewis and Clark Lake, Knox Co (Brogie 1996). Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized, grisegena in Eurasia and holbollii in North America (Gill et al 2022). Nebraska birds are […]
Colinus virginianus taylori, C. V. MEXICANUS Status: Fairly common regular resident east and most of central; rare elsewhere. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM6093, 19 Jun 1902 Keya Paha Co. Taxonomy: Taxonomy is complex. Most authorities currently recognize 21 subspecies (Brennan et al 2020, Gill et al 2022,, only six of these occurring north of Mexico […]
Antrostomus vociferus Status: Common regular breeder and spring and fall migrant east, rare central. Documentation: Specimen: HMM 2733, 2 May 1896 Giltner, Hamilton Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized (Pyle 1997). This species and 10 others previously in Caprimulgus were moved to Antrostomus based on Han et al (2010). Spring: Apr 18, 18, 19 <<<>>> […]