Antrostomus carolinensis Status: Fairly common regular breeder southeast, locally rare regular elsewhere in east. Rare casual summer visitor central. Rare casual fall migrant east. Documentation: Photograph: 4 Jun 1983 nest with egg and hatchling, Camp Merrill, Saunders Co (Lingle 1983). Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. This species and 10 others previously in Caprimulgus were moved […]
Aechmophorus clarkii transitionalis Status: Uncommon regular spring and fall migrant west and west-central, rare casual east-central and east. Rare regular breeder west and west-central. Rare regular local summer visitor west. Rare casual winter visitor west-central. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM15749, 11 Jun 1986 Lake Ogallala (Labedz 1987). Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized: transitionalis in western North […]
Podiceps auratus cornutus Status: Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant statewide. Rare casual winter visitor central and east. Documentation: Specimen: UNK Olson #3, 16 Apr 1910 Alda, Hall Co (Bray et al 1986). Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized, auritus in the Palearctic, and cornutus in North America (Gill et al 2022). Nebraska birds are […]
Chaetura pelagica Status: Common regular spring and fall migrant and breeder east and central, uncommon west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12811, 23 Jun 1892 Lancaster Co. Taxonomy: No subspecies are recognized. Spring: Apr 13, 13, 13 <<<> summer (east, south); Apr 22, 23, 23 <<<>>> summer (north); Apr 25, 25, 26 <<<>>> summer (west). Arrival is […]
Aeronautes saxatilis saxatilis Status: Fairly common regular spring and fall migrant west. Uncommon local regular breeder west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12814, 1892 Squaw Canyon, Sioux Co. Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized, one, nigrior, from southern Mexico to Honduras, and the other, saxatilis, from southwest Canada south to western Mexico, east to the western edge of […]
Coturnicops noveboracensis noveboracensis Status: Rare casual spring and fall migrant central and east, accidental west. Documentation: Specimen: UNSM ZM12604, 8 May 1909 South Bend, Cass Co. Taxonomy: Two subspecies are recognized, noveboracensis of North America, and goldmani of central Mexico, which may be extinct (Leston and Bookhout 2020). Nebraska birds are noveboracensis. Spring: This species […]